1. Remove/change the following U.S. Government entities:
IRS – Replace with a single page, fixed rate (%) tax form for all citizens and corporations and without any deductions allowed for any reason.
FEMA – Gone completely and have Congress fund each State at appropriate levels to provide any needed emergency services
SSA – Complete replacement of all SES and IG. Eliminate all administrative law judges and the SSA’s Appeals Court (currently ineffective and incompetent. Create a single-source independent agency to review all SSA claims before being applied to benefit receivers.
FBI – Complete replacement of all HQ SES with only Field Office Special Agents and professional support personnel and new-hires. Make the FBI ONLY an investigative entity, as all law enforcement duties ar already performed by DHS entities/agencies (AFT, DEA, ICE, CBP). Remove all weapons/ammo from all FBI SES personnel (transfer to DHS), as they are only employed to manage subordinate personnel and operations and as such, do not require weapons.
USDOL & OWCP – Require that its regulations regarding ‘return-to-work’ (RTW) regulations provide disabled employees to be allowed a 6 month trial with benefit deduction and change in status. This to match existing SSA disability TRW regulations. Current RTW regulations are discriminatory, punitive in nature and violate all current federal disability laws and Executive Orders regarding the ability of federal workplace disabled to be re-hired at the same commensurate salary level they were at when ruled ‘disabled’ and only if allowed to RTW by their doctor(s).
Department of Education – Develop computerized standardized K-12 courseware and mandate all States use them.
NASA – Replace agency head and cease all Moon landings carrying astronauts. Send 6 spaces ships to Mars with 8 astronauts each having PhD-equivelent subject matter experts in each ship for redundancy to allow rescue of any stranded spaceships due to mission spaceflight failure. Pre-supply Mars with all resources and equipment required to maintain a permanent occupation of Mars, including 4-person Mars rovers.
2. More To Follow…
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