While AI is manmade, therefore ‘artificial’, it is NOT ‘intelligence’ as currently defined in the English language.
Artificial is generally understood globally to mean: ‘Made or produced by HomoSapiens rather than occurring *naturally, especially as a copy of something natural’. *[ “Naturally” is generally understood globally to mean: without special help or intervention]. {JTB Note: Gender-specific terminology is intentionally avoided on this website where & whenever possible. Please report ANY use of gender-specific terminology, if found, to myself: JTB}. As AI applies to real-person designed and made (by computer scientists and engineers) computer storage and processing of data input, or ‘trained’ using huge amounts of data and memory storage; it is NOT consistent with the term “intelligence”!
Intelligence is generally understood globally to mean: “The ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills”. Thus, using the term ‘intelligence’ to describe what is advocated to mean: Superior thinking and knowledge (data), combined with new thought & data application to real-world concepts, ideas, analysis & application is not consistent with “intelligence”, but ‘AI’ is ONLY fast computing while accessing huge amounts of stored data.
It is PROPOSED to rename the abbreviation: “AI” to be “RFCAMDA” or “MDA”: Really Fast Computing And Massive Data Analysis. RFCAMDA/MDA is a more accurate description of what is currently named “AI”; especially as, currently, NO ‘intelligence’ is created nor expressed by any known computer. Alternatively, perhaps it should be called “MAGIC”, as defined by Dr. Arthur C. Clark: “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” This concept was also written in a story by Ramon Mas Baucells.
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